All text should be KERNED to fit across the entire page with no holes or blank spaces
Triadic Color Scheme - one dominant and two harmonious accent colors
Blending Options for Text Layers: drop shadow, stroke, outer glow, bevel & emboss
Adjustment Layers for Images: Color Balance, Levels, Curves, Exposure
VISUAL BALANCE: Equal distribution of visual weight for artistic appeal
Triadic Color Scheme - one dominant and two harmonious accent colors
Blending Options for Text Layers: drop shadow, stroke, outer glow, bevel & emboss
Adjustment Layers for Images: Color Balance, Levels, Curves, Exposure
VISUAL BALANCE: Equal distribution of visual weight for artistic appeal
to make a motivational poster you need 2 layers of you 2 layers. also you need 4 images all together . then you need 3 symbolic images that show who you are . the you use you're manifesto and personal quotes. you will use triadic color scheme and visual balance to decorate it .
then you use all four of you're four pictures and close you're layers and screenshots and post it on you're blog that is the most challenging thing ever .
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